Starting Guide

How to setup multiboxing with Levelbuddy.

Get Levelbuddy (1 min)

Go to download page, unpacked the archive and run the executable. No installation, no setup.

Add WoW subscription (2 min)

  1. Go to your account subscriptions.
  2. Click on "+create starter account" and make a new free subscription.

Configure WoW client (4 min)

Open WoW client for your minion character and setup the following.
  1. Open "Main Menu -> Interface -> Mouse" and enable Click-to-Move.

  2. Open "Main Menu -> Key Bindings -> Targeting" and bind "Interact With Target" to F11.

    Every time you press right-click on the main character(e.g. interact), the minion gets F11 key and interacts with the target.

  3. Make assist-macro with text
      /assist Your-Main-Char-Name
    and bind it to F12 key. Remember to replace Your-Main-Char-Name with its in-game name.

    Every time you press left click on the main character(e.g. choose a target), the minion gets F12 key and picks up your target. Also minion reports what target it picked up.

  4. Make follow-macro with text
       /follow Your-Main-Char-Name
    and bind it to F8 key.

    Every time you press 'W', minion gets F8 key and starts following.
See these 4 steps in this setup video.

Additional configuration (optional - you can skip this step for the first time)

  1. Install the "EMA" addon.

    It does a lot of useful things: auto accept and complete quests, track quests and items, check following and XP, and much more. This greatly helps to watch and control your team in the game.

    The actual version can be installed from Twitch. EMA for Classic should be downloaded there.

  2. Make macro
    and bind it to F10 key.

    Every time you press right-click on main, minion gets F10 key and points to the target which was selected after assist. This feature is off by default and should be enabled in program UI.

  3. Add the line
       /assist YourMainCharName
    to existing damage macros.

    This makes sure that the minion always picks the same target.

  4. On all characters (minions and main), make macro
       /script SetView(4);SetView(4)
    and bind it to F9 key.

    Every time you double click on main, both characters get F9 key and make their camera the same. With /follow macro your characters will stay together and have the same eye direction, so with this macro you get almost identical screens. This feature is off by default and should be enabled in program UI.

  5. Make sure your WoW network settings and internet connection settings are the best.

    Despite being run on the same computer, all game clients are communicating via a network. So a good internet connection is important. Also, go to WoW client "Settings -> Network" and try to enable "Optimize speed" and "IPv6". This may faster game response.

Run WoW clients and Levelbuddy (1 min)

Enjoy your first multiboxing!

Also, see
Gaming Guide for tips and tricks.